Prior to this trip, my only experiences in Taiwan were during military training—getting lost in jungles and climbing mountains. So it is understandable why i was reluctant when the idea of a holiday to Taiwan came up. It took some persuasion but it was hard to say no to the lure of beef cubes from the night markets. I gave in, so my partner and I spent four days in Taipei in Aug 24, hunting down soya bean, fried pancakes, and bubble tea.
Taipei is a city packed to the brim with houses mushed together, tarp-ed up alleyways, and traffic in every direction. Yet what struck me was the green fora that seemed to have grown with the city's life, giving it some much needed slowness. While everyone in the city was busy working during office hours, we walked around catching sights of retirees and young kids who weren’t as phased by the rush of life as we were.
These photos were taken with that slowness in mind. Amidst the city’s rush, my eyes found moments, people and surfaces that told stories of time. Enjoy these snapshots of life in Taiwan— where slowness found its place for me.